Nutrissimo® Junior Program


The Roquette Foundation for Health support the Pasteur Institute of Lille and the Pileje Foundation in the setting of the Nutrissimo® Junior program, for a better nutrition of children.


The stakes of a balanced diet in children are multiple: to allow harmonious growth and optimal development, to prevent certain pathologies in the medium and long term and to avoid food disorders and deficiencies. However, today, the youngest generations consume 4 times less fruits and vegetables than their grandparents, and most children do not know how to identify what they eat.

These observations led the Pasteur Institute of Lille to create the Nutrissimo® Junior program, which aims to set up an educational program on nutrition, to enable children to adopt a varied diet.

Nutrissimo® Junior Program

Launched in 74 cities in France between 2014 and 2020, the Nutrissimo® Junior program is fully in line with the “prevention” component of the French Public Health law project, which aims to “build a sustainable, local prevention program for young people.”

Thanks to actions launched within the educational ecosystem, to reach all the actors concerned:

  • For school, extracurricular and canteen staff: training in children’s nutrition and in running a food education program
  • For the children: workshops-debates and discovery workshops set up during school time
  • For schools and/or associations: the provision of a unique and innovative educational game
  • For parents: a conference to raise awareness of the nutritional needs of children


In the long term, the initiative will make it possible to create a real dynamic around good nutrition for children in cities, by being a stepping stone towards a more in-depth approach to prevention.

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