The Roquette Foundation for Health launched its first Research Prize in 2020. Targeted at young researchers under 40 years old, this prize aims to reward or support innovative research, theses, dissertations, or publications in the fields of food, nutrition, health prevention, future food, or nutritional transition.
The Roquette Foundation promotes medical research to prevent, cure, and avoid the spread of diseases, thereby contributing to the overall health of women and men worldwide.
Awarded in 2020, 2022 and 2024, this prize supports and rewards medical research related to health prevention.
This year, the Roquette Foundation for Health awarded its third Research Prize to Delphine PAYROS and her team for their work on the consequences of the food exposome in digestive pathophysiology.
The chemical food exposome refers to human exposure to a wide range of food contaminants and neo-formed products, including mycotoxins, which are very common in our nutrition.
The objective of the project is to identify the contaminants or neo-formed products from food, whether alone or in combination, for which the health risk is aggravated by deoxynivalenol (one of the most frequently found mycotoxins in our food). It thus aims to address the issues of multiple exposures on digestive health and, more broadly, human health.