20 000 food baskets against food insecurity

By Y'a Du Rab association

The Roquette Foundation for Health supports the Y’a Du Rab association in its project: 20,000 baskets against food insecurity


By purchasing and enhancing fruits and vegetables from local producers, the association offers anti-waste food baskets to people experiencing precarious situations and organizes awareness workshops on nutrition and healthy eating.

20 000 Food baskets against food insecurity

The project “20,000 food baskets against food insecurity” aims to change habits towards a healthier, balanced, and sustainable nutrition.

Eating better also involves combating food waste; awareness workshops are set up to explain the stakes.

In a very concrete way, through recipes adapted to their budget, equipment, and the limited time they have, the association wants to transmit the joy of cooking to beneficiaries, especially students.


Thanks to the cooperative model on which it is built, the project also aims to reconnect and create new links between the academic world, the agricultural world, and the business world:


  • By establishing connections with local producers for the recovery of fruits and vegetables,
  • By preparing baskets tailored to the needs of beneficiaries, through associations working for integration
  • By distributing these baskets in student networks and organizing workshops on healthy and sustainable eating awareness.

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Facilitating access

to healthy and sustainable food for the most vulnerable